Vendor Locations
Bloomington Gold offers vendors with a range of display options, tailored to suit diverse needs and preferences. Whether you're selling a vehicle, automotive parts, or related merchandise, you'll find a space that aligns with your specific requirements. From prime, high-traffic locations to more specialized areas, vendors can select from various sizes and configurations, ensuring optimal visibility and attendee engagement. The event staff is also available to assist in choosing the best possible display area, maximizing your presence at this prestigious automotive gathering.
- Following are the display locations available:
Swap, For Sale By Owner and Dealers will all be located on the road course. (#1 & #2 on Map). For more information on these areas, see below.
Limited indoor spots (#10 on Map) - please contact or 309.888.4477.
Specialized Vendor Locations are located to the North of the Certification garages. (#4 on Map) More informatiom below.
Show Map

The entire event will be within the infield of the raceway, meaning for a secure area at night. Once the show closes, no one will be allowed into the infield until the following morning.
Swap Area

Swap spaces will be sold in 20x20 increments and reserved in the order that they are sold. Next to each 20x20 will be one parking spot for the vendor's vehicle. Spots MAY NOT be reserved soley for the purpose of parking. Additional Swap parking will be to the North of the final swap spot, still allowing for easy access. Tent, table and chair rental is available.
Specialized Vendor Area

Vendor spots will be located to the East of the certification garages and sold in 20x20 increments. Referring to the Show Map, vendors will be located between numbers #4 & #6 on the map. Tent rental is available, or you can bring your own tent.
Dealers and Gold Mine

Dealar and Gold Mine (for sale by owner) will be on the road course between the swap and the Club Parking. (Number 2 on map) Dealers please text or call 309.888.4477.